Californians voted in favor of Proposition 5 on November 8, with 52.9 percent voting yes on the measure.
The majority of voters in Orange County voted against Prop 51, with 52.6 percent against the proposition.
The prop. supports issuing $9 billion in bond money that will go towards improving K-12 schools and community college facilities.
One of the major opponents against Prop 51 was Gov. Jerry Brown (D).
“…It squanders money that would be far better spent in low-income communities,” said Brown, in a LA Times article last February.
The proposition passed by a difference of just little over five percent.
Prop 51 will help fund structural improvements in many schools across the state, as well as install air conditioning in outdated facilities.
“We have two buildings on a state priority list that are related to Prop 51 – our 300 and 500 buildings,” said Fullerton College President Greg Schulz in an email.
The Prop states that of the repairs that will be done to school and community college facilities are fire safety improvements, removing asbestos, removing lead-based materials such as paint and updating older school structures to make their foundations stable from earthquakes.
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