Fullerton resident Josh Newman, California Senate 29th District nominee, was flanked by a number of supporters at the Yard House in Brea awaiting the results on election night.

“The way I think about governance is we are all the joint owners in it,” Newman said,” voting is the way we make our decisions collectively.”
Newman decided to run because he feels that the city’s veterans on a state level are being misrepresented.
“I’ve been working on veteran’s issues for about 4 years,” Newman said, “I became a bit frustrated because state government should work better to find veterans employment after they come home but they were not meeting their objective.”
The Democratic nominee could not keep up with Republican nominee Ling Ling Chang, who kept a moderate lead throughout the night.
Around 9:00 p.m. the mood became somber at the Yard House as the room began to feed on the election results.

At the Chang headquarters just off Imperial Hwy in Brea the mood was spirited.
Dressed head to toe in red, white and blue, Chang supporters reveled in the night’s festivities.
Chang was not available for comment.
Results are below.
Completed Precincts: 400 of 400 vote count
CHANG (REP) 81,69551.2%
NEWMAN (DEM) 77,87848.8%