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Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Samiy Castillo Bolivar

Samiy Castillo Bolivar, Arts & Culture Editor

Samiy Castillo Bolivar is the Arts & Culture Editor for The Hornet Newspaper. He is a second-year Economics and Journalism major and an international student from Bolivia and Peru. This is his first semester on The Hornet after contributing in the elections coverage through the broadcast live-streamed in the Fall 2024 semester. Topics he would like to cover in the future include politics, social and environmental justice and education. In his free time, he volunteers for several campus activities and manages social media at a local newspaper. He enjoys listening to 90s Latino Rock, going to the beach in the spring and watching plays with friends.

All content by Samiy Castillo Bolivar