The Hornets will swarm “The Big A” on April 8 for their Second Annual FC Night at Angel Stadium.
Tickets are selling incredibly quick. Half of the student section was sold out by 11:30 a.m.

Tickets for this event went on sale Feb. 23. A limited amount can be purchased for $25 at the Student Activities Office, in the 200 building in room 223.
Included with the purchase are entrance into the game and a limited addition Fullerton College/Angels hat.
The FC Night at Angel Stadium Kick-Off Event showcased a variety of campus clubs and organizations and raffled several gift baskets to students in the crowd.
The raffle table was fully equipped with awesome prizes big and small. There were baskets fully packaged with Angels tickets and merchandise, Fullerton College cups, ear phones and sunglasses.
Andrew Mathews, FC sophomore, was enjoying the kick-off event with his Angels ticket in one hand and raffle ticket in the other.
“I went to the FC Night last year and it was so much fun! I was literally just hoping it would make a return this year, and I’m stoked that it did!” Mathews said. “I mean come on, it’s a ticket to a game, a sick FC and Angels hat, a night full of fun with a friend, and on top of that we are helping students!”

The event’s proceeds will support the Fullerton College Food Bank, which provides support for students in need, as well as the Students of Distinction scholarships, which will be given towards the semester’s end.
“It’s great to see so many students turn out for an event that helps their fellow peers, and that are willing to help connect those peers to resources that want to help them,” said McKenzie Lyons, FC student and single mother who gains support from the food bank.

Our very own softball and baseball team rallied around “The Big A” taking photos and buying tickets to support the school.
The Hornets will be making a return to Angels Stadium for their second year for a fun-filled night with pre-game activities and a roaring student section.
For more information call 714-992-7095 or email