This year A Day To Remember decided to create their own festival dedicated to alternative music. The line-up of Self Help consisted of sixteen different bands. Unfortunately, Rotting Out was not able to attend the event because someone broke into their van the night before.
There were two stages set up, one was outdoor and the other was indoor.

Over 12,000 people attended this event. VIP tickets were available and included a meet and greet with some of the bands, a t-shirt and a poster.
The indoor stage looked like an airplane hangar. Bands like Letlive, Stick To Your Guns, Terror and Memphis May Fire brought in enormous crowds. People were packed in like sardines. The huge fans on the ceilings weren’t much help, everyone was still covered in sweat.
Jason Butler, vocalist for Letlive got the crowd to create a huge circle pit which took up about half of the space inside.
Like many of the vocalists in the bands, Jesse Barnett of Stick To Your Guns, had a heart to heart with everyone in the crowd. He expressed to the fans that he is empathetic of how they feel and that they should stop blaming others for their problems.

The outside stage area was dangerous for crowd surfers because it was all pavement. There were some injuries and accidents that were taken care of at the first aid tent.
During Attila’s set, lead singer Fronz told the crowd to split down the middle to create “a wall of death,” which is when the crowd separates and then runs into each other.
Bring Me the Horizon played before ADTR and they made sure to get everyone pumped up for the main event. When Oliver Sykes, vocalist of the band, said jump every one in the crowd jumped and when he said put your middle fingers up, everyone did just that.
The event ended with ADTR and everyone went wild. Everyone who attended the event had been waiting for this all day. No one stood still for the main event. The entire crowd was on their feet singing along to every song the band played. Vocalist Jeremy McKinnon got into a giant hamster ball and ran into the crowd.
The purpose of Self Help about the music and how it unites everyone. ADTR hopes to make this an annual event and are already working on ideas for next year.