At Fullerton College, the last day to withdraw from a class is today. As a student, it may be difficult to juggle all of your classes along with work and your social life which is why it isn’t uncommon for students to withdraw from a class during the semester in order to focus on other priorities they may have.
When you withdraw from a class you will be given a “W” instead of a traditional grade on your transcripts. This “W” just means that you have withdrawn from a class after the drop date earlier in the semester.

Although a “W” on your transcript isn’t counted in the calculation for GPA, it is used in the total number of units completed versus attempted, and you will not receive any units for that class, which may affect other educational plans you may have.
For classes that have not been graded by a professor yet instead of a “W”, you will be given a “UD” until a final grade is provided.
For students who have professors that have granted a request to finish work at a later date will be given an incomplete or “I” for short. Students who receive an “I” in a class have one year to make up the work for the grade before a final grade is assigned.
If the work for the “I” isn’t completed within the one-year time frame a student may petition for a time extension but it must be due to unusual circumstances determined by Admissions & Records. An “I” does not count towards units attempted nor GPA.
Meeting with a counselor is encouraged to explore alternative options before withdrawal from a class, the actual process of withdrawing is quite simple and doesn’t even require an appointment with a counselor.

In order to properly withdraw from a class, you first need to log into your Fullerton college MyGateway. Once you are logged in scroll down to the “Registration Tools” and click the “Add or Drop Classes” link. The link will then take you to the “Select Term” page. On this page, all you have to do is select the spring 2020 term and hit “Submit” at the bottom.
After selecting the correct term you are taken to the registration page where you can see your current schedule and the status of the classes you are registered for. To withdraw, find the class and under the “Action” tab select “Withdraw” when this is done at the bottom confirm your choices and then complete the registration.
Under the “Action” tab there will also be an option for something called an Excused Withdrawal. An excused withdrawal or “EW” allows you to withdraw from a class with a refund in the event of a natural disaster beyond the control of a student.
When a student petitions for this option verifiable documentation must be shown and approved by the Extenuating Circumstance Petition. An “EW” does not count towards your GPA nor is it counted as an enrollment attempt for course repetition purposes.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this option is currently available to students. Keep in mind that excused withdrawals may effect transfer plans, Satisfactory Academic Progress or SAP and other educational plans and it is recommended that you speak with a counselor before jumping right into this option.
Here is a video tutorial on how to withdraw from classes: