Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Fullerton Sports Miracle Comeback

Fullerton College athletics returned to campus for practice on October 21.

All sports are allowed to return to campus to practice but for conditioning purposes only. Sports will be split to have conditioning on different days so the facilities aren’t crowded.

All sports except Women’s Golf will be having practices held on campus.

This will allow athletes and coaches to finally meet with their team in person. They get their season back and get more out of the college sports experience.

Fullerton College is taking as many precautions as possible to ensure the safety of their players and staff.

The FC athletic training staff has posted their protocols on their Instagram. The protocols include completing SportsWare Information which is 5 medical eligibility forms that include an athlete’s information and medical history.

The student-athletes also have to complete COVID-19 education, which can be found on their canvas. This includes watching a video and passing a quiz.

Players must then complete a health screening packet, which must be signed by a doctor. Packets must be turned prior to the student-athletes actually returning for practice as players had to ask a coach for a time to turn in packet.

Finally, players must fill out a COVID symptom checklist prior to coming on campus to begin conditioning.

After all of those protocols are taken care of the teams may officially begin practice.

Teams are only allowed on campus Monday through Thursday with half of the teams meeting Mondays and Wednesdays, while the other teams meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Each team is given a two hour window to condition and there is a 30 minute wait period before the next team arrives to practice.

Finally after a long time away from campus, FC athletics are slowly starting to get back to normal.

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  • J

    Jim KieferOct 24, 2020 at 8:14 am

    Go Hornets! Be your legacy.?
