In a well-deserved victory for inclusivity, Fullerton College will permit students to choose their preferred name, gender and identity.
Students enrolled in any of the three NOCCCD campuses are now permitted to choose their preferred name, pronouns and gender identity using a student information change form on the Fullerton College website.
Those who choose to have their name changed in the district’s system must fill out the form located on the Admissions and Records webpage however, only first names will be permitted to be changed.
Individual’s preferred name/gender identity will appear in places including Mygateway, Canvas, class rosters and the Dean’s List. E-mail display, usernames, campus identification cards and activity rosters will be coming soon, but Fullerton College has no immediate timeline for when this will be implemented.
Preferred name, gender identity and pronouns will be applied to all unofficial documents where there is no legal requirement to use an individual’s legal name.
A few of the places where the preferred first name cannot be used are on billing statements, medical documents and transcripts.
“It can take anywhere from 7-10 days for the changes to take effect,” said an Admissions and Records Office official
If students want to take classes at another NOCCCD campus, the preferred name and gender identity change will follow to those schools without having to fill out another form.
Students can find the student information change form on the Admissions and Records page on the Fullerton College Website. Once the form has been filled out, a valid photo I.D. will be needed to confirm your identity.