In a quiet outdoor mall in Brea sits sushi hotspot Sushi in Motion.
There are many aspects that make this restaurant unique, but the most eye catching thing is the zig-zagging conveyor belt that comes along the side of each table delighting the customer with four pieces of nigiri, sashimi and tazuna placed on color coded plates that are counted up and priced later on.
Before you order any rolls, it’s highly suggested you start with the garlic edamame. It’s not your average plate of edamame, this is cooked edamame sauteed with a soy sauce and carmelized garlic concoction that images it rich and savory. You may find yourself ordering multiple plates of this delicious starter.

Sushi in Motion’s menu boasts many choices of specialty rolls and Japanese-American fusion cuisine. Two popular rolls are the Monkey Ball, an 8 piece plated California Roll slices individually topped with a tempura ball of shrimp and drizzled with spicy mayo and eel sauce.

They also serve the Salmon Punch roll, which is a deep fried salmon, spicy krab, avocado roll covered in crunch, eel sauce and spicy mayo.
This week marks Sushi in Motion’s one year anniversary and for the special occasion, Bruce Kim, manager of Sushi In Motion and Fullerton College alumni, is launching the “Spicy Tuna Challenge.”
This challenge is inspired by food challenges at other restaurants. This challenge is anything but easy.

Any challenger up to this task will find themselves signing a legal waiver that explicitly explains the rules and removes the restaurant from any responsibility for the medical or mental trauma you may face from eating this exceptionally spicy sushi. But it isn’t all just spice you’re going in for.

“I wanted something that wasn’t just extremely hot,” Kim said. “I wanted something that tasted good as well.”
Kim created the spicy concoction himself. He prepares the spicy sauce that tops each roll before each challenge so it’s fresh. The heat is very prevalent.
“The sauce, which I make myself, is made of Thai chili, Habanero pepper, Scorpion chili, and ghost pepper…it’s pretty hot,” Kim explained.
The roll itself is spicy tuna that is prepared with the sauce, before being rolled in rice and then deep fried, plated and then topped with the spicy sauce.
Each challenge has 10 minutes and starts the minute the sushi hits the table. The challenger must finish all eight pieces of sushi and the sauce with no drinks and no other rolls in between.
If you finish the challenge, your meal is free and you earn a place on their wall of fame. Your photo is posted on the restaurant’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You also receive a free t-shirt declaring you survived the spicy tuna challenge.
If you’re up for the Spicy Tuna Challenge, you can find Sushi In Motion near Imperial Hwy in Brea, just passed the 57 freeway.
Check out Yelp for some special deals, including free garlic edamame. You can also check out their website: