The 50th anniversary of the popular role playing game Dungeons & Dragons is upon us. Staff writer Melanie White and photo editor Eli Young take a look into what it’s all about and how this table top game is keeping its popularity alive while we live in a digital age.
Dungeons & Dragons turns 50! A look into the new generation of players
After closing out Ren Fair, fair-goers stay immersed in the fantasy by playing games like Dungeons & Dragons.
May 26, 2024
About the Contributors

Melanie White, Senior Staff Writer
Melanie is a journalism major and has a soft spot for sketching. When she’s not doodling, she’s constantly reading books on historical fiction. Her aspiration in life is to become a copywriter or technical writer.

Eli Young, Photo Editor
Eli has an associate’s degree in business management and is working towards a transfer degree in journalism and is planning to go to CSULB. On their free time, they like to do photography and play Dungeons and Dragons.