Stinger’s Café is a relaxing place to catch your breath between classes, grab a snack or get a fix of your favorite caffeine-filled beverage.
A new addition to the cafe’s menu is now being offered to students and faculty, one that might change your caffeine drinking habit for the better.

Frozen All Natural Smoothies!
“Last semester, the café added the smoothies to the menu, but they did not do as well as they had hoped,” said Maria Mendoza a full time server at Stinger’s Cafe. “This semester; that has all changed.”
There are more flavors to choose from, a mix and match option and customizable smoothies can be made upon request. “These smoothies are an awesome alternative when it comes to meals for students on the go,” she added.
The menu options include five main items:
“Straight A”: which is a basic strawberry smoothie, is a strawberry lover’s dream come true.
“Four Point Oh”: this cleverly named smoothie is a banana and strawberry combination and is a top pick among café patrons.
The “Campus Crush”: is a delicious mixture of strawberry, banana and raspberry.
“OMG!”: is the second most popular with a delectable mix of piña colada and mango taking you straight to paradise.
“Brain Freeze”: contains of a strawberry and mango mix and the name says it all; expect one. Just as with any frozen drink, it’s bound to happen. But the flavor intensity is well worth the freeze.
V-8 Fusion brand smoothies are also being offered, that include a watermelon and raspberry mix and is oh so yummy. The café also offers other Island Oasis options not included on the menu.
In fact, Mendoza customized her own smoothie; a zombie creation she calls the “Bloody Human”, which consists of all the flavors on the menu combined together and drizzled with raspberry mix for the blood effect. Her smoothie is one you must experience for yourself, as there are no words to describe this extraordinary combination.
These new smoothies are delicious, and are a fabulous alternative for non-coffee drinkers or those on the go as a meal supplement between classes.
They come in two sizes, 16 oz. and 24 oz. Priced less than the Naked brand juice drink and healthier than any soda on the market.
Stinger’s Café has a hit on their hands with these new drink options, come in and try one, and take a trip to your own personal Island Oasis.