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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Five movies not suitable for first dates

First date expectations are the worst. At least one person, or both, are usually nervous about all the things that could possibly go wrong. However, one of the most cliché ways to feel a little more comfortable and calm one’s nerves is to watch a movie. Now, it is good to note that dinner is a great follow up to have a starter conversation about that specific movie, but what if the movie would only bring awkward conversations?

Here’s a list of five movies you should never watch on a first date:

1. 50 Shades of Grey

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Photo courtesy of

The majority of the fan base of this fan fiction of a fan fiction turned movie are women—and these women are actually reading about BDSM in a romanticized light. However, most of them don’t necessarily want to have this type of relationship, they just want to read about it (or watch it) and live vicariously through someone else. If men wanted to watch this type of movie, they would just go home and search the Internet in private. It is not first date material…and it’s a little awkward.

2. The Twilight Saga

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Photo courtesy of

These movies are a few years old now, but at that time the movies were released, the audience that occupied the theaters in the middle of the night (and for days after that) were mainly screaming fan-girls, gay men, and cougars. Sparkly vampires were not necessarily appealing to everyone, and it wasn’t until a few movies into the series that any major action that took place.

3. Magic Mike

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Photo courtesy of

Unless both parties have perfect washboard abs and toned bodies like Channing Tatum, this movie is not suitable for a first date. It’s the sexy dancing and sub-par acting will have the ladies (or gents) focused on just one thing—the gorgeous men. Not a good way to kick off a potential relationship with high expectations of flawless muscles and intense dancing skills.

4. Gone Girl

Photo Courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Photo Courtesy of 20th Century Fox

As amazing as this book turned film was, it is definitely not first date appropriate. It is suspenseful and thrilling; it’s very appealing! However, if neither person has read the book, spoiler alert: the wife is extremely psychotic. Both parties are trying to simply get to know each other, and this subject may just make them have second thoughts about who this person really is. Don’t do it. Maybe not until a later date.

5. And just any movie with infidelity as the main theme.

Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox

This is probably not the best way to kick off a first date. Storylines of relationships that have gone astray will give dates the wrong idea and it’s just not first date appropriate. Of course the same could be said about movies that are about finding the one true love; something too serious too soon may scare the person off.

So maybe this list seems like what women shouldn’t make men watch, but that usually stands true. If movies are the way to go on a first date, it’s best to stick to comedy and action movies. Unless both parties are extremely excited to see the movies on this list, find something else you both can enjoy together and have a great conversation about after.

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