Coachella, Burgerama, Electric Daisy Carnival and Outside Lands are only a few of the upcoming music festivals that many people have already purchased pre-sale tickets and planned outfits for, but safety should be first on their minds.
Past events have definitely brought to light some underlying issues for festival attendees that can turn an amazing event into your last. Festivals are huge and hold thousands of people, all in their own worlds, doing their own thing. Even with all the resources available, accidents happen.

These are a few key safety tips to remember while you are having time of your life, meeting new friends and discovering bands that move your soul.
1. Stay hydrated.
Most festivals are held in the spring and summer months, during the middle of the day. The combination of sweltering heat and dancing like you’ve never danced before will just ensure that your body will need hydration.
Most festivals have free water stations. Remember to bring refillable water bottles to help you quench your thirst and save your money. The festival map will have all the water locations listed so you can familiarize yourself with the layout.
2. Don’t go alone, have a support system.
Next is the posse that accompanies you. Ideally, your close friends or family will be your group for the festival. Go with people you know and trust. They will be the ones to watch out for you and not pressure you to do something you may not want to do.
Your group should have a plan upon arrival, so that if someone gets lost or is not feeling well, everyone else knows what to do. Remember, phones don’t always work on festival grounds. If you’re camping, the campsite can be your home base. If not, make sure to agree on a meeting spot inside the festival and check in at regular intervals.
3. If going alone, make friends with people you can trust.
The best thing to do if going alone is to a make your presence known. Introduce yourself to neighbors at your campsite and people next to you in the crowd. You are part of the massive community now and people will notice if you go missing.
4. Protect your body from the elements.
The anticipation of the event will make you want to go all out the first day. But remember to be comfortable, wear sunscreen or a hat and make sure to layer clothing. During the day it will most likely be blazing hot, but depending on the location, nights may be freezing.

5. Pace yourself.
Remember to eat and rest throughout the day to make sure that you will have enough energy to see the bands or DJs that are on your schedule. This will leave you energized to end the night strong. Remember not to overindulge. The music is all you need.
6. Be aware of what you consume.
Don’t take anything from strangers. Drinks, food, whatever, you never know what could be in it. You will definitely bond with some new amazing friends through the course of the event, but remember to always be aware of your surroundings.
7. Be observant and report suspicious activities.
Assaults and groping are too common at these types of festivals. There will be an abundance of security guards and medical tents to help if something bad happens.
Groping is not okay, report an assault immediately and help someone if they have been the victim of an assault. The positive support will help spread the peace, love, unity and respect that all festival goers want to display at the event.
Bottom line, be yourself and do what you want to do. You know your limits and what you are comfortable with.