Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

You get only what you put in: being in charge of your own community college experience

Attending community college takes a special breed of student, especially for those at Fullerton. It takes strength and humility to admit to friends that you attend the “other” Fullerton – you know, the one that’s not the university.

More often than not, you have to endure the judging eyes and disapproving tone: “Oh, well, that’s cool too.”

It’s unfortunate but some FC students succumb to the thought that they attend a second-rate school and do not receive a quality education compared to a university. This in turn may cause them to not appreciate their time spent here.

But the truth of the matter is this: Fullerton College is a gem. And if you aren’t looking, you could miss the amazing opportunities offered here.

Since FC is a commuter school, most students attend class, sleep in their car during breaks, then go home, cutting out any other activities they may find useless. There is nothing wrong with this, but there is also nothing great about this. Part of the “college experience” is exactly that – getting involved with the campus.

Regardless of what college you attend, it is a privilege and a defining time in your life. Your college career is where you find yourself, and finding yourself comes with trying new things. Getting involved with the campus can act as a door opening up to those opportunities.

Recently, the Hornet filmed a BuzzWorthy in which students were asked to define acronyms of FC’s programs and services. Although some of the answers were comical, it showed the true lack of student knowledge and involvement with the campus.

This semester, there were several sexual assaults on campus. In response, timely warnings were sent to students through email and posted on college social media accounts. Some students became vocal on the campus’ social media accounts, criticizing and questioning Campus Safety methods and response to the incidents. In an effort to educate and hear student’s concerns, the Campus Safety hosted three Campus Safety Forums. But only one student attended.

It is truly disheartening when people find pseudo-courage to be vocal through a monitor rather than stand up for what they believe in person.

This campus is nothing without the students that attend it. Sure, most of us are here for a limited time, but while you are here, this is your school – this is your home. Why would you not want to play a part in shaping its culture and being a part of its history?

If you allow it, Fullerton College can be the training ground that prepares you for the next step in your college career when you obtain your bachelors degree.

Take advantage of the valuable resources here, professors that care, hands-on training in your field, and networking opportunities with potential colleagues in your major.

Take pride in the fact that once you’re a Hornet, you are always a Hornet.


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