At around 12:30 p.m., the arts building evacuated students and teachers when the fire alarm was pulled in the lecture hall, Room 1002 . The alarm is believed to have been pulled by an elderly man who walked in and was unaware of his surroundings.
Fullerton College Campus Safety was quick to respond, having four safety patrol officers arrive on the scene. Shortly after they were followed by the Fullerton Fire Department.

Once firefighters and paramedics showed up to the scene they assisted the man who was not fully aware of his surroundings and seemed to be unable to speak.
Paramedics then transported the man to St. Jude Medical Center.
Firefighters were originally called in response to a request by the contracted alarm company, but that call was cancelled on route due to an accidental pull.
“They said it was pulled on accident, but then they dispatched us for the medical aid,” said Fire Captain Brandon Coatney. “It sounded like somebody pulled it to get us here, but that’s not the right way to do it, they could have called 911. [The alarm] that’s for fires only.”
When further asked on the conditions of the man, Coatney said, “The elderly gentleman wasn’t feeling well.”

Coatney also said he did not know whether the man was actually the one who pulled the alarm.
Sgt. Jim McKamy of Fullerton College Campus Safety said he was very proud of how the situation was handled.
“Everybody evacuated safely, used the emergency radio appropriately, and we were able to do a good response,” said McKamy.
McKamy said someone called paramedics and took the man outside where firefighters and paramedics were able to assist him.

Students evacuated the arts building in a fairly fast manner managing to fully evacuate in less than 5 minutes.
“He walked in the classroom, he was sweating […] he couldn’t speak […] and then our teacher called 911 and then campus safety came too,” said Aman Danishgar, a student who was in Room 1002 while an Ancient and Medieval Art History class took place.
He and about 25 other students gathered outside the south side of the arts building, while firefighters assisted the man who seemed confused by the conditions.
Danishgar said he heard someone say that the man pulled the alarm, but he was not sure whether he did or not.
Soon after firefighters arrived, students were allowed to go back into the arts building.