Ahmed Mohamed, a 14-year-old boy from Irving, Texas, was arrested after bringing a clock he built to his class at MacArthur High School on Sept. 14, 2015. His English teacher saw it as a threat and perceived it as a bomb.

When news broke out of the incident, social media outlets were quick to respond. The hashtag, #IStandWithAhmed, quickly became a trending topic on Twitter.
President Obama even tweeted the teenager and invited him to the White House.
At the end of the entire incident, Mohamed had been invited to Facebook, Google, The U.N. and other various places.
Many people on social media asked if the whole situation would have been handled the same way were Mohamed white, instead of Muslim. People accused the school and the teacher of being Islamophobic.
While many people stood with Mohamed and defended him or even praised his invention, some did not.
Bill Maher said that Mohamed didn’t deserve to be arrested, but that police did the right thing in treating the clock as if it were a bomb because “it looked exactly like a bomb!”

According to Maher, he said that many young Muslim men have “blown a lot of shit up around the world,” since he believes so many Muslim boys have done things like this, and we just can’t be too careful.
Yet, Maher has repeatedly stated that he does not believe Mohamed should have been arrested.
So, if people can’t be too careful with Muslim males due to the fact that so many have blown stuff up, why don’t we hear stories about white teenaged boys being arrested due to the fact that they drew a gun in class? After all, we can argue that so many have shot up schools.
One recent example is the shooter who killed nine people and injured another nine when he went on a shooting rampage at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon.
The physical description of the shooter: white male.
In 2013, an event similar to Mohamed’s, Kiera Wilmot of Lakeland, Florida, who was 16 years old at the time, was arrested after she took her makeshift volcano science project to school.
Wilmot, who took the project to Bartow High School, said she was trying to show it to her science teacher.
“He said he needed to approve it first, so I brought it in thinking he literally needed to see it in person,” said Wilmot, now 19, during an interview with ABC News.
Reports say that when the volcano she made started to smoke, she was approached by the school’s dean of students. She then explained that it was a project she was showing her friends. Her teacher was then asked by school officials if he had assigned any project, but he said there were no science experiments assigned to his class that week.
After the incident, Wilmot was taken to a juvenile detention center and was held on bomb charges.
Eventually, the school dropped the charges, but they stood by their actions.
Wilmot told ABC News that after the incident, kids would refer to her as a “terrorist,” and they would tell her she should be in jail.
It’s clear that today that we are faced with an issue in which people are quick to judge others based on their race or the color of their skin when the situation deals with Muslims, Blacks, or Hispanics. Yet when it comes to Caucasians, these types off incidents are unheard of, for the most part.
Now, it’s not to say that there haven’t been cases where people of other races don’t commit crimes, but there have been too many cases where these people are arrested, charged, or even killed all because of the color of their skin.

The worst part is that in the cases of those who have been killed, many have been proven innocent after the fact.
It’s obvious to say that Mohamed’s case, as well as many of the other cases such as Wilmot’s, prove that America is facing a serious stereotyping issue, but will this ever end?
Hopefully in the near future.