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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Women feel the Bern, in hell

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As young women make their way to the polls this November, they will have to ask themselves hard questions like, which candidate is the hottest, which candidate looks the most like themselves, or decide on a candidate to make themselves more attractive to men.

Young women really have no intellect when it comes to choosing their presidential candidate, right?

Can you understand? Because a female politician and her fellow “feminist” supporters think that you can’t.

Hillary Clinton, a presidential hopeful for the Democratic Party, had a rally this Saturday in New Hampshire. Supporter Madeleine Albright shared a word of advice for young women who support Clinton’s democratic competition Bernie Sanders.

“We can tell our story of how we climbed the ladder, and a lot of you younger women think it’s done, it’s not done,” Albright said. “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”

A day before Albright’s speech, Gloria Steinem’s comments on Real Time with Bill Maher, were of a similar tune. “When you’re young, you’re thinking: ‘Where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie,’” Steinem said.

These women who have been working their whole lives to promote feminism, which is defined in the Oxford dictionary as the, “advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men,” and they are now letting the world know that to be a woman, and to be a feminist, you must vote for Clinton.

Telling women how to think, or what to do seems like the complete opposite of what feminism should be. Instead of tearing young women down for having opposing views, educate them, and give them the power to make their own decisions.

Young women voters are educated, “Women comprised 56.2 percent of all college students (undergraduate and graduate),” according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 2015. Clinton knows this, and she is blatantly shaming women to get their votes.

Sanders took the lead in the New Hampshire primary election. “Sanders won women by 53-46 percent, 65-34 percent. Sixty-nine percent of women under 45 backed Sanders (including 82 percent of those under 30 women)” according to a poll analysis from ABC News.

He won not because of hormonally enraged voters, he won because in that state, voters decided he was the most qualified person to win their votes.

On college campuses students and teachers are asked to sign petitions, and to register to vote. Educate yourself on the politicians who you will be voting for, understand what you are signing before putting your name on a petition.

Don’t stand back and let politicians tell you what to do, and how to think, they work for us.

This link is a great resource to help you get started to choose the right candidate for you: click here!

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