Students rushed over to the center of the quad to watch their peers dance

(From left to right) Sabria Kaur, Jennifer Marchant, Maria Abutin, Dhurti Patel, German Baron, Darlene Baron, Cassie Wicoff, Rabrina Kaur. Photo credit: Jacquelyn Valdez
Indian Classical and Bollywood style at Fullerton College’s 5th annual Worldfest.
The dance performance lasted about five minutes long and was full of vibrate colors and upbeat Indian music. The music was edited by Tanay Shah and the choreography was created by Dhruti Patel.
These students were Dancing to bring awareness to their up and coming club called the South Asian Club, which will be available to join next Fall semester. With three students coming from India they “just want to spread South Asian culture” to the rest of the student body, said club member Patel.
The club has a bright outlook on their future. They will be all around campus during the Fall 2016 semester by holding events, meetings, potlucks, and promoting South Asian festivals in the Fullerton and India areas.
One of the original members, Patel, was born in India moved California in 2010. She started dancing Indian Classical style as early as 3-years-old but has never taken any Bollywood lessons.
Sabrina and Rabrina Kaur are also part of the start up club. Both were born in the States but moved to India around the age of 6. Sabrina also started Indian Classical style dancing around 8-years-old.
Next year the South Asian Club will be celebrating the Holi Festival of Colors as one of their events on campus. The Holi Festival of Colors is a celebration of life and love through colored powder.
The South Asian Club is for everyone. Indian Classical and Bollywood styled dancing is not a requirement to join the club. Anyone can join the club. Be on the look out for sign ups for the South Asian Club next Fall.