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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Divided opinions surround Trump rally in O.C.

Trump supporters
Trump supporters making there way into the amphitheater waving a large American flag. Photo credit: Madalyn Amato


Supporters and protesters clashed at the Orange County Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa Thursday night.

Both parties voiced their opinions on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump who was scheduled to give a speech in the Pacific Amphitheatre.

Proponents of Trump brought up concerns on the legality of protesters and showed support towards their candidate’s plans by chanting “build that wall!”

Protesters responded in a mixture of both English and Spanish, demonstrating their dislike towards the candidate and their hopes for “ending hatred”.

Police presence was heavy.

Make Love Not Walls
Protester stands near line of Trump supporters awaiting entrance to the amphitheater. An ominous figure can be seen in the background watching over the event. Photo credit: Madalyn Amato

Approximately four helicopters flew over the event the entire night while mounted police patrolled the parking lot and all officers were in bulletproof vests.

A special team of riot police was also present.

Supporters were allowed to enter the protester’s side and confront individuals, but protesters were not allowed the same. Only verbal, non-violent exchanges resulted from these confrontations.

Protesters were penned in by yellow police tape and several individuals were removed from the event after attempting to cross over to the supporter side.


Seating began in the amphitheater around 7:30 p.m. and many supporters were turned away due to the venue reaching capacity.

However, protestors were not allowed into the amphitheater but Chanelle Rivera and her friend did manage to get in.

Both wore shirts saying “F*** Trump”, and were called out by surrounding audience members..

Heavy Police presence
O.C. Sheriff’s can be seen in bulletproof vests and riot gear in the area between Trump supporters and protesters. Photo credit: Madalyn Amatoers.

Officers responded and confiscated their shirts then escorted them out.

During his speech, Trump focused on his platform of immigration.

“We’re going to have to get a lot tougher than we are because we have problems,” Trump said.

Trump also invited families of those whose loved ones had been killed by undocumented immigrants to reiterate his opinions about immigrants.

Jacob Medina, 18, participated in the protest.

“This is history in the making,” Medina said. “It was amazing to see all different races and cultures coming together on both sides voicing their opinions.”

As the event came to an end, protesters became more confrontational and took to the street, blocking Fairway Drive.

Officers on horseback and on foot were dispersed in attempt to break up the crowd around 9:00 p.m.

Twelve arrests ultimately were made by the O.C. Sheriff’s Department.


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    Sherrie RitterMay 2, 2016 at 10:46 pm

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