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Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

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Will ObamaCare be beneficial or will it cause more trouble?


by Brittany Gonzales

ObamaCare is a way that everyone can afford health care. It was created as a way for those who have low income to be able to get help if they are sick. This was also created to help the cost of Medicare to go down.

According to, ObamaCare reduces costs of premiums to millions of families and small businesses and provides billions dollars in tax relief. 19 million Americans will receive tax credits to help pay for healthcare and most middle class Americans will actually save thousands on healthcare via tax cuts. How can ObamaCare be so much trouble if it saves Americans so much money?

People say that because of the government shutdown that ObamaCare is going to be so much trouble but in actuality ObamaCare is suppose to help the low income families to get medical insurance and cut the cost of what the government is spending on medicare. This should help the country’s budget and put $716 billion back into Medicare.

Organizing for Action says that you’ll get your money back if your insurance does not pay 80 percent of your premium on care. It says that if you already have health insurance then you’re already getting benefits.

ObamaCare states under part 2 Consumer Choices and Insurance Competition Through Health Benefit Exchanges: “Affordable choices of health benefit plans. Consumer choice. Financial integrity.”

The bill also states that it will help benefit protection and simplification. There are many things that the bill says that sounds like ObamaCare will be very beneficial rather than harming.

It also states that it will help clinic care and school health centers which helps students at Fullerton College.

How can a bill that says this be bad? It seems like a good idea. It seems like it would help out with the state and it would help out individuals and families. This seems to be more beneficial than damaging.


by Erik Edlund

On Oct. 1, the Health Insurance Marketplace opened to facilitate the purchase of medical insurance to everyone in the US.

Some people agree with ObamaCare and others do not. What most people fail to realize is that ObamaCare does more harm than good.

The Affordable Health Care Act, or simply known as ObamaCare, is the result of another government regulation forced upon the good citizens of the US.

It was signed into law by President Barack Obama in May 2010 to provide affordable health insurance to every U.S. citizen.

Even though the initial bill that passed through Congress had around 2,000 pages of wording, it still passed with many flaws and errors.

When the law is fully implemented in 2018, families and businesses will have another government intrusion on their minds that they will have to handle.

ObamaCare in the simplest form is a comparison to car insurance. Car insurance is mandated by law, it protects property and life. Everyone has to have car insurance or they will either pay a fine or go to prison.

Everyone has to have health insurance for our bodies or pay a fine, basically stating we need to maintain ourselves and have regular maintenance check-ups.

The Federal Government doesn’t take into account that people have a lot on their plate. Americans are in over their heads with debt, bills, work, school and family. Another enforcement will cause more stress and worry.

Over the course of five years, the law will be implemented by individual mandates slowly. One mandate states that everyone has to obtain health coverage by January 2014 or get an exemption or pay fines even if they can not afford it.

Insurance companies must cover more people and this increases the cost of everyone’s insurance now that the majority of U.S. citizens will have medical insurance.

The employer mandate states that in 2015 businesses with over the equivalent of 50 full-time employees must provide health coverage. In anticipation some businesses have cut employee hours.

Insurance premiums have increased due to insurers having to provide covered services. ObamaCare focuses more on making sure people are covered than it does on addressing the cost of care in the first place.

It would be so much easier to pay the first year fine of $95 instead of paying a monthly charge for medical insurance, especially for individuals who only visit a doctor once or twice a year.

It would be a waste to pay monthly charges if an individual is not even in need of medical assistance.

Some Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals have been limited. Medicare pays doctors more than any other type of coverage and the rates have led to very complex problems that are driving the costs of health care up for everyone.

While the ObamaCare law may have parts that may help Americans, the point still remains that ObamaCare is flawed and pushes people to the edge as the government encroaches more on individual freedoms.

Republicans in Congress are standing up for the average citizen and saying no to ObamaCare. The recent government shutdown is the result of trying to defund the law and delay implementation.

Point Counterpoint is an argumentative opinion on a topic we feel should be argued from both sides of the argument.

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