Your tax dollars are not going to waste. At least that’s the message the

Fullerton Municipal Airport wanted to convey when they hosted their annual Airport Show on Saturday.
The event displayed physical flight transportation to the public, inside and out, and invited pilots, mechanics and staff to answer questions about their aircraft, vehicles and programs.
Free helicopter and plane rides were offered, there was a fire department water drop, and a police department K-9 demonstration. It was an exciting day, especially for the little ones.
“It’s my first time here. It seemed like a fun thing to do for the weekend, plus my kids love planes,” attendee Grace Vera said.
One couldn’t help but raise their head towards the sky to witness the airplanes flying skillfully and gracefully across the sky, doing all sorts of maneuvers throughout the day.
“We come to the airport for fun to watch planes take off either way, but our little girl is really interested in planes so this is a chance for her to be exposed to as many of them as possible, ” attendee Cindy Blandford said.
Parents gathered with their children, letting them crawl inside to explore machines that appeared larger than life to them.

Even adults jumped at the chance to sit on the pilot’s chair, or the driver’s seat. In fact, for the biggest plane on site, there was a line of people just waiting to get inside.
Among spectators were the Marine Corps, the Anaheim and Fullerton Police Department, the Orange County Fire Authority and several other organizations who made their transportation available for the public’s viewing pleasure.
“This is a utility helicopter, the AH-1 Super Cobra, we came from Camp Pendleton last night to participate in the air show. This is the first time they have a Super Cobra, and we’re here to showcase the capabilities of the Marine Corps.,our aircraft and our squadron,” said Capt. Keenan Chirhart as he stood behind a massive the helicopter.
“Besides being here to inform people and to be involved in the community, we are also here just in case something unsafe happens at this big event,” said firefighter Hector Valle.
Even for show goers that did not have children there were still plenty of reasons to come.
Mainly, to educate oneself about what happens at the airport, to talk to pilots and learn about the organizations. If that didn’t do any good there was plenty of beer and food to be enjoyed.

Food selections ranged from Combo’s Pizza, to Dickey’s BBQ Pit, cotton candy, dill pickle pops, kettle corn and so much more.
An enticing In-N-Out truck was the most popular.
Hangar 24 sold beer on site, and Wings Cafe, the restaurant inside the airport was open this year for their very first Airport Day.
There was even a VIP section so the adults could lounge and sip their drinks, which was guarded by security.
“We are very busy. It’s a lot of exposure for the organizations that are here,” airport staff member Vincent Alagado said, “especially the Wings Cafe. They opened 6-7 months ago so a lot of people are going to try their food for the first time today,” he added.
Shuttles were provided by the Girls and Boys Club of Fullerton for attendees who parked at Buena Park High School.

The public was highly encouraged to come and visit one of the most highly anticipated events of the year, in accordance with “Planes, Trains and Automobiles Transportation Celebration of Fullerton.”
“The airport is not just a loud, crowded place, it’s a necessary part of the community. These planes are used for rescue missions. Your tax dollars help,” said Capt. Marc Rendinelli, who flies for the volunteer organization, Civil Air Patrol.
Gil Lipaz • May 9, 2016 at 10:27 pm
Thanks for the nice article and pics. As one of the pilots in Tiger Squadron, I would appreciate any nice pics you might have of our flybys. We had a lot of fun at Fullerton and would like to have some pics for our own personal use.