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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Touched by Trump (Not in a Good Way)

To simply put it, Donald Trump is nowhere near fit to be President of the United States.

The Republican nominee has recently gained even more negative traction based on a multitude of women accusing him of sexual assault.

A three-minute recording of an Access Hollywood video, recovered by The Washington Post, revealed the Republican candidate “once pursued a married woman and ‘moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there,’” expressing regret that they did not have sex.

The Kiss of Death
Trump at a rally holding up signs, "Women for Trump" and "Blacks for Trump." Photo credit:

Trump continued to brag and “because he was ‘a star,’ he says, he could ‘grab them by the pussy’” whenever he wanted.

Trump released a statement on Oct. 7 expressing regret “if anyone was offended” by his comments, attempting to soften the recording simply labeling it as “locker room banter.”

Since the resurgence of the “hot-mic” recording, more and more women have spoken up about their encounters with Trump and his sexual behavior towards them.

Former pageant contestants, former stars of Trumps hit television show “The Apprentice,” and other lists of women have told their stories of sexual assault from Trump spanning from kissing, grabbing breasts and touching genitalia.

As each allegation piled up, Trump has denied all accounts of sexual assault.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continue to reject Donald Trump’s statements but still support his candidacy against Hillary Clinton.

Even his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence, told him to calm down and let this storm blow over.

How can these Republican leaders continue to condemn the foul and vulgar statements of a man who is running for president, but refuse to retract support for him.

Whether Donald Trump actually did these actions are not, these allegations attached to his name are not even close to presidential material.

From all the things he has said and done since he announced his candidacy last year, why would these allegations be the tipping point?

The reality is, it’s not.

Although up until now, it is to no surprise that these accusations have been merely cialis.

Anything that Trump says or does simply does not phase his supporters as he infamously stated, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” during a campaign rally in January in Iowa.

Just realize there are people who truly believe that these alleged actions by Trump are completely acceptable. They think it is right to treat women like this, deeming it simply as flirtatious behavior.

Before a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, a supporter explained, “One man’s sexual assault is another man’s flirtation.”

Yes, someone actually has said this.

Unfortunately, men could probably get away with it back in the day, but this isn’t the happy go-lucky golden age of America anymore. It is 2016. This conduct is absolutely unacceptable and intolerable.

It is imperative we as an American people do not elect “Groper Cleveland” to the highest office of the United States.

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