Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

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The Hornet

Serving the Fullerton Community Since 1922

The Hornet

Out with the old, in with the new

Fashion company H&M recently released a new campaign called “Close the Loop”. The campaign included a new commercial from the brand showcasing fashion on various types of models.

Popular fashion store H&M; logo. Photo credit:

They included men, women, children and the elderly. As well as a blend of different ethnic backgrounds, ages and body types.

In an article from the Huffington Post, they display tweets from many who watched the commercial. The majority of the comments focused on the fact that the commercial presented such a difference in diversity rather than the viewers taking away that they should recycle their old clothes.

There is no surprise as to why the recycling concept is secondary to the message the models created. It’s almost sad that our society isn’t used to diversity in the industry. But why would it be when the normality is always the same types of models?

The reason the commercial speaks to the audience is because the face finally changes; it finally has personality and texture. It allows people to relate.


Fashion has always been a way for people to express who they are and make them feel confident. However, the industry for a long time, had a perceived idea of who could be the face of the designs. This usually was someone tall, thin and fair-skinned regardless of gender.

All the imagined rules people believed broken in a short time and it was nothing but beautiful and how fashion should be. Those rules used to mean having to be the perfect height, fitting the clothes and if you didn’t, well then they’re on to the next. Girls would all have the same hair color and look like each other until it slowly branched out.

That train has stopped and new perception has stepped off. This new commercial will change the industry by getting them to continue to open their eyes. Continue to push the envelope and bringing new faces to take over and show that beauty and fashion is for all people.


The fashion in the commercial even pushed the envelope a little when it said to do things that the fashion police would say are a no-no.

No one does socks and sandals, and if you did, you were frowned upon. Denim on denim is another one to stay clear from, but everyone seems to do that nowadays anyway. Even mixing reds and pinks was a bad idea. Yet in this commercial these “fashion crimes” become acceptable. They become chic and fashion-forward and no longer get a disapproved look.

This new campaign shows a “underlying realness that defies most forced campaigns, and you get the feeling they’re trying to actually do people justice,” as stated in an article on They couldn’t have said it any better.

There needs to be more commercials like this one because diversity in the world allows things to be exciting and open your eyes.

If all things were the same, then the picture would always be black and white, but things always come to life when you add a splash of color.

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