Profile: Composing through the silence
Jacob Boland, a 22-year-old music composer and conductor, walks us through his journey at Fullerton College. Although he deals with hearing loss due to COVID-19, Boland remains passionate about creating new music that captivates his journey as a person with autism.
Maria Cruz, Staff Reporter
April 26, 2024
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About the Contributor

Maria Cruz, Managing Editor
Maria Cruz is the Managing Editor for The Hornet and is currently in her second semester with the newspaper. She earned a A.A in English from Fullerton College and B.A. in Literary Journalism along with a minor in English and Creative Writing from UC Irvine. She is currently pursuing a certificate in Photography to become a freelance photographer or have her own small business. She hopes to one day pursue her Masters in Journalism in the near future at UC Irvine or Cal State Fullerton.